How To Fix Network Connection On macOS Monterey On Vmware & Vmware Fusion?


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How To Fix Network Connection On macOS Monterey On Vmware & Vmware Fusion

Step 1: Open your VMWare and locate your Virtual Machine. (In my case its macOS 12 beta)

Step 2: Right-click on macOS 12 beta and click Open VM Directory.

Step 3: Locate the file macOS 12 bets.vmx and right-click on it and select Edit with Notepad.

Step 4: Search for Ethernet0.VirtualDev = “e1000e”. You can use Ctrl+F to search for this line.

Step 5: Change the e1000e to vmxnet3 and save the file.

Congratulation, you can now connect to the network.

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admin 3 years 2021-08-26T15:13:30+00:00 0 Answers 61 views 0

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